Sustainable Baby Product

December 1, 2014 Ismail Yahya Uncategorized

At Kampung blog, we advocated sustainable living. We shall be considering the same for our bodies as well. There is a global increase on the self-awareness of people when it comes to the health of the body. While we are not greatly worried about the health of our own bodies, our care towards the little ones surpasses everything else – on that part, you must make sure to only use the healthiest products on babies.

Based on the above, the sustainable way of living is, at times, doing away with commercial products. Most of the companies have profits in mind when making the products and that could prove costly for our lives, and especially our babies. Hence, here are some alternatives to baby products in Singapore, by making your own organic products are home.


Known for harmful ingredients such as alcohol, perfume, chlorine and dioxine, baby wipes must be avoided and substituted with natural stuff. For instance, you can simply grab a piece of cotton wash cloth and soap, and that’s it. If you have to travel, here’s a great natural baby wipe recipe. you can simply put the cotton wash cloth and a little vegetable oil in a jar with warm water.

Baby shampoo

To begin with, I strongly believe that babies do not need shampoo to have their skins clean. Their skin actually has naturally protective oils that are not supposed to be washed off. Myself, I simply use natural microfiber cloths to clean my baby, mainly against dirt, food etc. However, if you must use a shampoo to make you feel that the baby is clean, make sure to go for the most skin-sensitive types of shampoos and soaps, such as Dr. Bronner’s for instance.


In addition to saving the environment, using cloth diapers instead of disposable ones is also very sustainable for your baby as well. The disposable diapers have materials that are known to include toxic and other harmful ingredients, hence are very risky for the health of the little ones. Using cloth diapers is the much cleaner and healthier way, definitely worth the extra effort required. Did I mention that it saves you money as well?


Mineral oil and fragrance are very harmful to the baby, and you should definitely consider getting some other alternatives or simply making your own. Your baby does not need such petroleum products, therefore switching to home-made ones should be strongly considered. Simply using a mild oil or a combination of oils such as safflower, coconut, wheat germ, almond, jojoba or Vitamin E, among others, should be a great alternative.

Baby Food

Ultimately, we must never forget baby food. What the babies eat is most likely the most important of this list, as it directly effects the growth and health of the baby, especially since it is well known that babies eat much more than adult, when related to their body size. Several studies have found that conserved food and other conventional produce bring unwanted pesticides and other harmful elements to the body, as opposed to natural food you prepare for your baby. Among such natural food, you can use vegetables, fruits and meats, and all you need is a blender to finalize them.

Switching to home-made does not only guarantee a much healthier growing up for the baby and yourself, but but it helps you save money as well. Commercial products are unavoidably expensive, and grabbing your own pieces and getting them together makes will definitely run the costs down. Sure it requires some extra effort, but stop being lazy and do it for your baby, it will be worth it.


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